The Difference Between DAS and NAS Servers

November 1, 2023 | by Ciphertex

The Difference Between DAS and NAS Servers


Getting the right data storage solution for your business can be a daunting task. With so many options, settling for the one that suits your business’s data storage needs requires you to understand the options available to you.

  • Should you get portable NAS storage?
  • Should you get portable DAS storage?
  • What do those acronyms mean anyway?

Let’s briefly look at the main differences between DAS and NAS servers, the most common options for enterprise-level data storage solutions.

What Are DAS Servers?

Direct-attached storage (DAS) is a digital storage system directly attached to a host computer accessing it. Examples of DAS include:

  • Internal hard drives and SSDs
  • External hard drives and SSDs
  • CDs
  • USB flash drives

Pros of DAS Servers

DAS servers bring a lot of advantages to the table. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • High performance
  • Low maintenance
  • Easy to set up and configure
  • Relatively inexpensive

These advantages of portable DAS storage make it suitable for small to medium businesses (SMBs) that require a lot of storage but don’t have large budgets for advanced storage solutions.

Cons of DAS Servers

While DAS servers have many advantages, they aren’t without their drawbacks. One of the biggest is that a DAS system can’t be managed over a network. Data can only be accessed and manipulated by the DAS’s host computer.

Another drawback is DAS systems don’t typically have the same data redundancy level options as their NAS counterparts.

What Are NAS Servers?

Network accessed storage (NAS) refers to a self-contained storage system that’s attached to a local area network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN). All devices connected to the network can be granted access by the network administrator to the data stored on the NAS system. It comprises portable NAS servers and network management software that permits different users to log in to the storage system.

Pros of NAS Servers


Are there any advantages of going with a storage system that relies on a network?

There sure are. Here are some of the advantages you get with NAS servers:

  • Centralized file storage and access
  • More efficient use of data storage resources
  • Easy data recovery
  • Easy scalability
  • Better data redundancy
  • Save space due to their compact nature
  • Affordable high-capacity storage solution

Cons of NAS Servers

  • Require more administrator management than DAS.
  • Latency issues may arise due to network issues.
  • NAS servers are more advanced than their DAS counterparts and offer a more reliable data storage solution.

DAS Servers vs. NAS Servers

The main difference between DAS and NAS servers is that DAS servers are a more localized storage solution. As such, they don’t offer you the flexibility of file sharing and remote updating that NAS servers offer you. When you need more storage, NAS beats DAS because you can easily add another portable NAS storage device to your network as your data storage needs grow.

Future Trends in Data Storage Solutions

As technology evolves, so do the trends in data storage solutions. With the advent of cloud computing and artificial intelligence, data storage is not just about capacity anymore; it’s also about accessibility and smart data management. Future trends indicate a significant shift towards hybrid storage systems that combine the best of both DAS and NAS. These hybrid systems offer the high performance and ease of a DAS with the advanced network capabilities and scalability of a NAS. This integration is particularly beneficial for businesses that require both the fast, direct access provided by DAS for certain applications and the network-based sharing and collaboration features of NAS.

Another emerging trend is the incorporation of AI and machine learning algorithms into storage systems. This advancement will enable businesses to optimize data storage, access, and analysis more efficiently. AI-driven storage solutions can predict data needs, automate backups, and enhance security protocols, making them a game-changer in data management. For companies considering DAS or NAS, understanding these future trends is crucial. While DAS might be suitable for immediate, high-speed requirements, NAS, or a hybrid system, could be a more forward-thinking choice, aligning with these technological advancements and providing a more adaptable and future-proof data storage solution.

Which Ciphertex Data Security Product Is Right for You?

If you’re a growing business, you’ll need a data storage solution that grows with you. That’s why we recommend you invest in our SecureNAS systems. Depending on your needs, we have a complete offering of portable NAS servers and portable DAS servers to meet your needs.

If you need help choosing the best solution for your business, just give us a call at 818-773-8989. We will help you get a solution perfectly suited to your business’s data storage needs.


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