October Is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October 21, 2021 | by Ciphertex

October Is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month


October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! With so much being moved online as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, spreading cybersecurity awareness has become more important than ever. Learn more about how you and your organization can enhance your cybersecurity efforts by using National Cybersecurity Awareness Month to spread security awareness.

What Is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month?

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) was founded as a joint effort between the United States government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA). The purpose of NCSAM is to spread awareness about the importance of cybersecurity, whether at home or at your place of work.

According to the CISA, this year’s theme is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart,” with an emphasis on “If You Connect It, Protect It.” Throughout October, the CISA and NCA have organized several outreach events and resources to help organizations spread awareness while enhancing their cybersecurity initiatives.

Why Is Data Security Important?


Data has become one of the most valuable assets in the world, especially as more individuals and businesses begin to handle sensitive data, such as credit card numbers and personal identification, through digital mediums. This data has become a valuable target for hackers and can have devastating consequences when placed in the wrong hands.

Data security has become magnitudes more important in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, where people are now using the internet and digital devices to conduct more day-to-day activities than ever before. With many employees now working from home, and often through personal devices, data security is incredibly crucial.

How to Celebrate National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

There are plenty of ways you and your team can celebrate National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! In addition to spreading security awareness throughout your organization, you can also check out some other NCSAM-related events and resources.

Spread Awareness

NCSAM is the perfect time to spread security awareness throughout your organization and beyond. Consider holding security awareness events, both in person and virtual, with team members and, if applicable, use the CISA’s “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart” slogan on your company’s social media.

Take Advantage of NCSAM Resources

Not sure how to get involved with NCSAM? Look no further than the CISA’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Resources page. In addition to helpful tip sheets covering several aspects of security awareness, you’ll also find a link to this year’s NCSAM presentation, which may be especially useful for non-technical users.

Update Your Data Security

While spreading awareness is great, following through by updating your data security initiatives is even greater. Plus, celebrating NCSAM can be an effective way of identifying ways to upgrade your security initiatives.

Contact Ciphertex

The most effective way of upgrading your data security is by upgrading to encryption-based technology and implementing highly secure data systems and infrastructures. For more information on Ciphertex Data Security solutions, explore our product pages or call our team of security professionals at 818-773-8989.

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