How to Create an Effective Data Security Policy

February 25, 2022 | by Ciphertex

How to Create an Effective Data Security Policy


A data breach is one of the most damaging ordeals that a business can undergo. Depending on the type of data that is compromised, data breaches can expose a business to liability, reveal sensitive information to unauthorized parties, and/or lead to costly company downtime in the aftermath.

It makes perfect business sense to do whatever is necessary to avoid such an attack, but far too many organizations simply do not take adequate measures to avert a breach. As a result, they’re often left scrambling when disaster strikes. Even worse, some fail to learn from the experience, leaving themselves open to future incidents of the same nature.

When it comes to data security, an ounce of prevention is worth far more than a pound of cure. That’s why businesses of all sizes need to implement a comprehensive data security policy that covers what employees need to do to keep sensitive information secure and what steps should be taken when a breach does occur.

What should be included in a data security policy? The answer varies from one business to another, but there are certain features that should be found in virtually every policy. Ciphertex has put together the following infographic to provide an overview of how to assemble an effective data security policy.


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