The Biggest Threats to Your Data


With so much confidential, personal, financial, and company data stored on internet-connected devices, it’s more important than ever before to understand the risks your data faces and how to best protect it. The fact of the matter is that, today, data is more valuable than ever before. Sadly, it seems that every other month we’re […]

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What Is Multi-Factor Authentication and Encryption Key Management?


Data encryption is at the heart of all cybersecurity at both a personal and a corporate level.  Encryption is a robust way of ensuring sensitive data is safe. The weakness, however, lies in authentication for access. Let’s talk about that weak link for a moment. What Is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)? To increase the encryption and […]

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What Is a DDoS Attack?


Distributed-denial-of-service attacks, also known as DDoS attacks, are among the oldest attacks in the book. DDoS attacks have been used for more than two decades, but in today’s highly connected world with endless data, these attacks have become stronger and more prevalent. Today’s DDoS attacks are more than just a nuisance to prevent websites and […]

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What Is Encryption? How Does Encryption Work?


One of the most important aspects of data management is ensuring that the data you store, transmit, or receive is safe and secure. That’s why organizations dealing with sensitive data must use encryption systems to keep their data and their customers’ data safe. What Is Encryption and How Does It Work? Data encryption is the […]

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The Impacts of Unsecured Digital Identities


Research shows that 87% of IT and cybersecurity professionals report having experienced at least one significant outage within the previous two years due to expired certificates. That’s why it’s crucial that you properly manage your digital identities. After all, secure data is key to running a successful organization and earning your customers’ trust. Failure to […]

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The Benefits of Portable Servers


Out of all the portable data security products you should be investing in, secure, portable data servers must be at the top of the list. For most small businesses, data management plays a huge role in daily operations. While they don’t necessarily need the storage capacity and power of traditional servers, small businesses still require […]

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Checklist for Keeping Your Data Secure at Home


We live in a connected world where most of our activities are conducted online. From conversations with friends and family, to shopping, to ensuring the temperature in your home is just right, we rely on the internet for many things. But all this convenience comes at a price, an increased vulnerability to hackers. That’s why […]

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Why Data Security Is Important in the Media and Entertainment Industry


Cybercrime may seem like a suitable subject for a movie or television show, but for those who work in the media and entertainment industry, it is a real-life threat. Studios hire many different people to write scripts, to direct screenplays, and to manage the production, industry talent, facility operations, and IT networks. There are numerous […]

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The Safest Ways to Back Up and Store Your Data


The impact of data loss can be devastating for a business. Data loss can cost brands millions of dollars and ruin their reputation. That’s why data backup and security are important for every organization. The Importance of Backing Up Data Data failure and data loss are extremely common. Unfortunately, this type of issue happens when […]

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Why Data Security Is Important for the Military


Ciphertex Data Security, known for providing the most reliable data security solutions, provides encryption and data storage technologies to the U.S. military. These solutions meet the highest standards and government mandates. When it comes to military data security, we provide ruggedized data storage networking and security solutions, including software, portable NAS servers, and RAID protection […]

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