Why GSA-Contracted and SEWP-Contracted Devices Are Critical for Enterprise Applications


The contemporary business world devotes a substantial amount of resources to data—more specifically, to the implementation of procedures and accessories devoted to accumulating it, analyzing it, and safeguarding it in a way that conforms to the organization’s various operational requirements. It goes without saying that these tasks should be entrusted to high-quality data storage and […]

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What is Data Storage?


The modern business world is an increasingly data-driven environment. Businesses collect massive amounts of information from their customers: birthdates, shipping addresses, payment card data, purchase history, and other descriptive metadata. Businesses must also maintain critical internal data such as intellectual property, communications, and strategic operational data. Establishing strategies to store, manage, and safeguard valuable information […]

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How Remote Teams Protect Data in the Entertainment Industry


With the cost of TV and film productions routinely running into the eight figures, entertainment companies should do whatever possible to safeguard all the data generated over the course of producing a project. This data includes everything from dailies to call sheets to payroll and private information. If project content or personal private information were […]

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What You Need to Know About Malware


Malware—short for malicious software—is the umbrella term for any type of program created to inflict harm on a computer, server, or network. There is a broad range of variation in the degree of damage malware is capable of causing. While some malware simply causes an annoyance, most are significantly more hazardous, deleting sensitive data and […]

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Top Cybersecurity Challenges for Healthcare Organizations


The healthcare industry is hardly alone in facing serious cybersecurity risks, but it is unique in the consequences it faces for failing to prevent attacks from internet-based criminals. One of the most important of these relates to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which demands that organizations in this field implement strict security […]

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Alarming Cyber Security Facts & Stats: What You Need to Know for 2021


The cyber security landscape changed dramatically over the course of 2020, primarily impacted by the shift to at-home remote working brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. This shift presents new security threats and attack vectors. Even as the world slowly recovers, many businesses have not only adapted to remote working but are embracing the financial […]

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Critical Things Every Business Should Know About Ransomware


When Joseph Popp wrote and released the world’s first extortion computer virus, the AIDS trojan, he set forth a wave of similar creations capable of crippling the output of even the world’s largest corporations. Ransomware now represents a major threat for most businesses that rely on digital technology to fuel their daily processes. Cyber criminals […]

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A Simple Guide to Data Extractions


Data extraction is the first step of nearly every data-driven process, from business analytics to cybersecurity. Whether it’s used to retrieve data from database source or capture key data in a forensic investigation, data extraction is crucial for locating, processing, or storing relevant data within data-driven applications. In this simple guide, we’ll provide a basic […]

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Cybercrime: How to Minimize Risks for Your Remote Workers


Working remotely has certainly caught on. With improvements in technology, and the threat of COVID-19, many employers are not only encouraging, but requiring people to perform their jobs from home. Cybersecurity is an ongoing concern for workers both in the office and at home. The major issue is how to maintain data security when employees […]

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How to Create an Effective Data Security Policy


A data breach is one of the most damaging ordeals that a business can undergo. Depending on the type of data that is compromised, data breaches can expose a business to liability, reveal sensitive information to unauthorized parties, and/or lead to costly company downtime in the aftermath. It makes perfect business sense to do whatever […]

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